Things about ASTM-C1265-94: Standard test for determining. the tensile properties of an insulating glass edge seal for structural glazing applications
1.1 This test method covers a laboratory procedure for quantitatively measuring the tensile strength, stiffness, and adhesion properties of insulating glass edge seals that are used in structural sealant glazing applications. Edge seals for these applications use a structural sealant to bond both glass lites and the edge spacer into a monolithic sealed insulating glass unit. In typical applications, the structural sealant acts to hold the outside lite in place under wind and gravity load and to maintain the edge spacer in its proper position. Hereafter, the term “insulating glass” will be abbreviated as “IG.”
1.2 The characterization of the IG secondary sealant properties, as defined by this test method, are strongly dependent on glass and edge spacer cleaning procedures, IG spacer profile, location of the spacer, and primary IG sealant application. Users of this test method must recognize that the IG edge seal assembly influences the secondary sealant properties.
1.3 The values determined by this test method will be characteristic of the particular edge seal assembly that is tested.
1.4 The values stated in SI (metric) units are to be regarded as the standard. The inch-pound values given in parentheses are approximate equivalents, provided for information purposes.