ASTM C1487 Structural Glazing Remedying Guide

astm c1487 standard guide for remedying structural silicone glazing

Things about ASTM-C1487-02: Standard guide for remedying structural silicone glazing. This guide provides recommendations for remedying existing structural sealant glazing (hereinafter called SSG) installations in situ. Remedial work may be necessary when a lite of glass is replaced, for routine maintenance, or after distress is discovered. This guide focuses on large-scale remedies. This browser does […]

ASTM C1464 Bent Glass Standard

astm c1464 06 standard specification for bent glass

Things about ASTM-C1464-06: Standard specification for bent glass. 1.1 This specification covers the requirements for bent glass used in general building construction, furniture, display, and various other non-automotive applications. 1.2 The dimensional values, stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for information only. 1.3 […]

ASTM C1422 Chemically Strengthened Glass Standard

astm c1422 standard specification for chemically strengthened flat glass

Things about ASTM-C1422-99: Standard specification for chemically strengthened flat glass. 1.1 This specification covers the requirements for chemically strengthened glass products that originate from flat glass and are used in general building construction, transportation, and other specialty applications, such as copy machine scanners, computer disks, and flat glass screens for television monitors. Techniques such as […]

ASTM C1401 Structural Sealant Glazing Standard

astm c1401 standard guide for structural sealant glazing

Things about ASTM-C1401-14: Standard guide for structural sealant glazing 1.1 Structural sealant glazing, hereinafter referred to as SSG, is an application where a sealant not only can function as a barrier against the passage of air and water through a building envelope, but also primarily provides structural support and attachment of glazing or other components […]

ASTM C1394 In-Situ Glazing Evaluation

astm c1394 standard guide for in situ structural silicone glazing evaluation

SSG is popular because of its unique method of retaining glass or other panels in smooth exterior walls, interrupted only by narrow sealant joints. While SSG popularity increases, the sealant industry remains concerned over potential failures due to the increasing number of buildings containing structural glazing that are aging; unknown structural sealant durability; and the […]