E2074 Door Assemblies Fire Test Standard

Things about ASTM-E2074-00: Standard test method for fire tests of door assemblies, including positive pressure testing of side-hinged and pivoted swinging door assemblies. 1.1 This fire-test-response standard is applicable to door assemblies for use in walls to retard the passage of fire. 1.2 This fire-test-response standard determines the ability of door assemblies to function as […]
E2068 Sliding Windows Doors Force Test Method

Things about ASTM-E2068-00: Standard test method for determining of the operating force of sliding windows and doors. 1.1 This test method determines the operating forces for opening and closing horizontal and vertical sliding windows and horizontal sliding door systems. It does not address the forces required for opening pivoting, projecting, or other fenestration systems. This […]
E1996 Exterior Curtain Wall Windborne Standard

Things about ASTM-E1996-04: Standard specification for performance of exterior windows, curtain walls, doors, and impact protective systems impacted by windborne debris in hurricanes. 1.1 This specification covers exterior windows, glazed curtain walls, doors and impact protective systems used in buildings located in geographic regions that are prone to hurricanes. 1.2 This specification provides the information […]
E1481 Railing Systems Terminology

Things about ASTM-E1481: Standard terminology of railing systems and rails for buildings. 1.1 This terminology consists of terms and definitions pertaining to railing systems and rails for buildings, and in particular, terms related to the standards generated by ASTM Committee E-6 on Performance of Building Constructions. 1.2 The purpose of this terminology is to provide […]
E1425 Window Door Acoustical Performance Standard

Things about ASTM-E1425-91: Standard practice for determining the acoustical performance of exterior windows and doors. 1.1 This practice establishes requirements for testing and rating acoustical performance of exterior windows and doors, regardless of their method or materials of manufacture. 1.1.1 Air leakage and operating force are integral elements of acoustical performance of exterior windows and […]