E631 Building Constructions Terminology

Things about ASTM-E631-15: Standard terminology of Building Constructions. 1.1 This Terminology consists of terms and definitions pertaining to the subject field of buildings and building construction, and in particular, terms related to the standards generated by ASTM Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings. 1.2 The purpose of this Terminology is to provide preferred and admitted […]
ASTM E576 Insulating Glass Frost Point Test Method

Things about ASTM-E576: Standard test method for frost point of sealed insulating glass units in the vertical position. 1.1 This test method describes a field or laboratory procedure for determining the frost point within the air space(s) of sealed insulating glass units, and establishes the criteria for determining whether that point is below or above […]
ASTM E546 Insulating Glass Dew Point Test Standard

Things about ASTM-E546-14: Standard test method for frost/dew point of sealed insulating glass unit. 1.1 This test method describes a laboratory procedure for determining the frost/dew point within the air space(s) of sealed insulating glass units and establishes the criteria for determining whether that point is below or above a given or specified temperature. 1.2 […]
ASTM C1564 Glazing Sealants Use Guide

Things about ASTM-C1564-04: Standard guide for use of silicone sealants for protective glazing systems. 1.1 This guide covers the use of silicone sealants in protective glazing systems for building construction. Protective glazing includes systems designed for use in applications subject to natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, windstorms, and forms of forced entry such as […]
ASTM C1503 Silver Glass Mirror Standard

Things about ASTM-C1503-01: Standard specification for silvered flat glass mirror. 1.1 This specification covers the requirements for silvered flat glass mirrors of rectangular shape supplied as cut sizes, stock sheets, or as lehr ends and to which no further processing (such as edgework or other fabrication) has been done. 1.2 This specification covers the quality […]